American Ginseng
Are all Ginsengs the same?
The answer is simply NO!
Let’s break down the common ginsengs we see in the market are:
What makes American ginseng grown in Wisconsin better than American ginseng grown elsewhere?
You might have noticed that some American ginseng are sold at a much cheaper price than the other American ginseng and are probably wondering why.
The reason is simple. Most, if not all, of those cheaper American ginseng are planted and grown in other countries such as China and Canada. These ginseng are way cheaper and they look almost the same to those American ginseng grown in Wisconsin.
Now then the next smart question you might be thinking is :
“So are they different ?”
Yes, certainly yes. They are different in many ways, with the main differences summarised below:
1️⃣ Wisconsin has the most perfect soil (rich in nutrients) suitable for the plantation of American ginseng;
2️⃣ Wisconsin has the most perfect temperate climate (not too wet/moist for the ginseng plants)
3️⃣ Wisconsin has the right season – long winter to grow American ginseng
Above reasons cause American ginseng grown in Wisconsin to have the highest levels of ginsenosides, vitamins and minerals than ginseng grown anywhere else in the world.
Can you tell where is the American Ginseng grown just by its appearance?
it is very difficult if not impossible to look at a ginseng root and determine where it is grown. Even Wisconsin ginseng roots will also vary in color depending on how clean they are washed and the soil in which they are grown in.
However, you can get a rough idea of the growing region by tasting it.
To be more certain, a better way is to ask the seller for a pesticide test report on the American ginseng:
– Wisconsin ginseng is the “cleanest” ginseng in terms of pesticide.
– American ginseng from China and Canada have high levels of pesticide DDT (Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane, an insecticide used in agriculture) and are banned in some countries.
What are the benefits of eating American Ginseng?
The major active component of American Ginseng is ginsenosides, which brings many health benefits to our human bodies.
It is scientifically proven that American Ginseng helps to:
1️⃣Treat cancer
Ginsenosides not only restrict cancer cell invasion, and migration, they also promote autophagy – the body’s way of cleaning out damaged cells in order to regenerate healthier cells.
2️⃣Enhance immune system to resist against illness
3️⃣Reduce inflammation
Beneficial for joint inflammation like arthritis as well as inflammation of the digestive system or other internal organs
4️⃣Reduce fatigue and Improve physical performance
How to store American Ginseng?
Store American Ginseng at room temperature between 15 and 30°C in airtight and dry containers.
Keep it away from sunlight. There is no need to be refrigerated.
How can I slice the roots myself?
Don’t have a professional ginseng slicer cutter?
No worriess at all !
Use the following easy-peasy method instead ~
All you need to do is:
1️⃣ Steam the roots for about 10-20 mins (depending on the size of the roots) or until they are soft enough to easily cut with a sharp kitchen knife;
2️⃣ Take them out and slice them right away with a sharp knife.